Machine flexibility

美 [məˈʃiːn ˌfleksə'bɪləti]英 [məˈʃiːn ˌfleksə'bɪləti]
  • 网络机器灵活性;机器弹性
Machine flexibilityMachine flexibility
  1. On the base of abstract of manufacturing enterprise system , an integrated flexibility model including labor flexibility , machine flexibility , routing flexibility and information technology , is built , and the total flexibility is measured by economic index .


  2. Sensitivity Analysis Method for Design of Machine Tool Modal Flexibility Balance


  3. The production of high-quality products entails the automatic winding machine with more flexibility , more comprehensive clearing function , more precise tension control and better fine-structure effect .


  4. Even though a parasite on the German cipher machine , the flexibility offered by its instruction table facility was such that it could even be ' almost ' set up to perform numerical multiplication .


  5. In this thesis , MAS ( multi-agent systems ) is used to build a distributed architecture for the construction clusters and it is realized on the platform of MAGE . This architecture thoroughly represents the autonomy of the single machine and the flexibility of the clusters .


  6. Since servo motor is easy to be controlled , it can be used to drive motion mechanism with regular motor . By controlling the motion of servo motor with programs , the machine can output flexibility . It is therefore can meet the needs of various processes and products .


  7. A new deep hole boring machine with accuracy and flexibility


  8. It is significant for the design and application of a parallel kinematic machine to study the flexibility indices and its workspace distributions .


  9. Compared with conventional rod-rolling practices the described endless rolling system offers numerous advantages with respect to output , yield , machine wear and production flexibility .


  10. Traditional CNC system is unable to generate the manufacturing program by itself , and implements simple interpolation algorism which is obviously far below the requirement of the machine tool users for flexibility and precision .


  11. Therefore , guiding accuracy of precision machine tool guide , flexibility and smoothness of mechanical movement , and other aspects are also increasingly prominent , Hydrostatic guides with excellent performance is gradually being the focus .


  12. Machining-robot is a new type machine tools , which has both the high stiffness of machine tools and the flexibility of robot .


  13. In the Chinese Dictation Machine , the performance of the acoustic model will directly affect the use of the language model and the quality of the machine , and flexibility of the acoustic model is , to some extent , depend on the choosing of the speech recognition unit .
